Module:Template invocation/testcases

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Template invocation/testcases/doc

-- Unit tests for [[Module:Template invocation]]. Click talk page to run tests.
local ScribuntoUnit = require('Module:ScribuntoUnit')
local p = ScribuntoUnit:new()
local protect = require('Module:Protect')

local function nw(o)
	return mw.text.nowiki(tostring(o))

local function test(a, expected)
	local mTemplateInvocation = require('Module:Template invocation')
	local mTemplateInvocation2 = require('Module:Template invocation/sandbox')
	local liveRes = protect(mTemplateInvocation.invocation)('foo', a)
	local sandboxRes = protect(mTemplateInvocation2.invocation)('foo', a)
	local message = 'Expected ' .. nw(expected) .. '. Got '
	p:assertEquals(expected, liveRes, message .. nw(liveRes) .. ' from live module.')
	p:assertEquals(expected, sandboxRes, message .. nw(sandboxRes) .. ' from sandbox.')

function p:test_hello()
	local a = {'bar', 'baz', abc = 'def'}; a[6]=666; a[7]=777; a['7']='777s'; a[3]=333; a['4']='444s'
	return test(a, '{{foo|bar|baz|333|6=666|7=777|4=444s|7=777s|abc=def}}')

function p:test_equals_sign()
	local a = {'bar', 'baz', '{{=}}'}
	return test(a, '{{foo|bar|baz|3={{=}}}}')

function p:test_numbered()
	local a = {}
	a[1] = 'aaa'
	a[2] = 'bbb'
	a[5] = 'eee'
	return test(a, '{{foo|aaa|bbb|5=eee}}')

return p