Lahabaya din yina vihigu ni
A wuhimi ni: district
Nammi yaɣili maa "Districts" din be wiki ŋɔ puuni! Lahi lihi n-nya vihigu shɛhira nim shɛŋa a ni nya.
- Districts din be Ghana E-Class Districts of Ghana nyɛla din kuli pa Ghana Region nima. Tɛmplet:Districts Din Be Ghana...199 bytes (21 bachinima) - 12:41, 7 Silimin gɔli September 2024
- Northern Region (section Districts)tingbani ni. Tudu mali la 16 districts. Di bun pini yini (11) nyela districts n-ti pahi 1 metropolitan ni 4 municipal districts.: Under every municipality...3 KB (103 bachinima) - 07:06, 12 Silimin gɔli October 2023
- Miɔŋ District (pubu Districts)Miɔŋ District E-Class Miɔŋ District nyɛla din pahi districts pishi ni ayobu la puuni din be Northern Region Ghana tiŋgbani ni. Miɔŋ daa na pahila Yendi...561 bytes (60 bachinima) - 22:33, 20 Silimin gɔli August 2022
- Karaga District Karaga District nyɛla districts pishi ni ayobu la puuni din be Northern Region Ghana tingbani ni....208 bytes (18 bachinima) - 20:13, 29 Silimin gɔli December 2021
- Nanumba South District E-Class Nanumba South District nyɛla din be districts pishi ni ayobu la puuni din be Norhern Region Ghana tingbani. https://www2...427 bytes (36 bachinima) - 20:18, 29 Silimin gɔli December 2021
- Yendi Municipal District E-Class Yendi Municipality nyɛla din be districts pishi ni ayobu din be Northern Region, Ghana tingbanni. Yendi Cathedral Yendi...405 bytes (33 bachinima) - 20:07, 29 Silimin gɔli December 2021
- Toliŋ Yaɤili Tolon District nyɛla district shɛli din pahi districts pishi ni ayobu(26) la puuni din be Northern Region Ghana tingbanni. Tolon District...1 KB (103 bachinima) - 21:32, 5 Silimin gɔli January 2022
- Gushiegu District E-Class Gushegu District nyela din pahi districts pishi ni ayopoin din be Northern Region, Ghana tingbanni....346 bytes (19 bachinima) - 20:06, 29 Silimin gɔli December 2021
- Savulugu Municipal District E-Class Savelugu District nyɛla din pahi districts pishi ni ayobu din be Northern Region Ghana tingban ni. https://www2.statsghana...267 bytes (33 bachinima) - 00:56, 5 Silimin gɔli February 2022
- Zabzugu District E-Class Zabzugu District nyɛla din be districts pishi ni ayobu din be Northern Region Ghana tiŋgbani ni. bytes (32 bachinima) - 14:07, 14 Silimin gɔli April 2022
- & Importance | Britannica (en). Ghana Districts: A repository of all Local Assemblies in Ghana. Pukparilim n-nyɛ tuun'...1,011 bytes (52 bachinima) - 09:50, 21 Silimin gɔli June 2023
- Tolon Tolon nyɛla district sheli din pahi districts pishi ni ayobu la puuni din be Northern Region Ghana tiŋgban ni. Tolon District nyɛla din be northern...2 KB (143 bachinima) - 15:29, 2 Silimin gɔli October 2023
- Nanton District Nanton District nyɛla din pahi districts pishi ni ayobu la puuni din be Northern Region, Ghana tingbani ni. Yɛlimaŋli, di daa yi pahila...585 bytes (55 bachinima) - 20:01, 29 Silimin gɔli December 2021
- E-Class Nanumba North District nyɛla din be districts pishi ni ayobu la puuni din be Norhern Region Ghana tingbanni....188 bytes (20 bachinima) - 18:09, 30 Silimin gɔli June 2021
- nyɛla tiŋ' shɛli din be Saboba District Assembly, Northern Region, Ghana tiŋ gbaŋ ni. Ghana Districts: A repository of all Local Assemblies in Ghana....681 bytes (28 bachinima) - 00:24, 26 Silimin gɔli June 2024
- Kpandai District E-Class Kpandai District nyɛla din pahi districts pishi ni ayobu la puuni din be Northern Region Ghana tiŋgbani. Di daa pahila East Gonja...752 bytes (57 bachinima) - 11:49, 25 Silimin gɔli December 2022
- nyɛla tiŋ' shɛli din be Saboba District Assembly, Northern Region, Ghana tiŋ gbaŋ ni. Ghana Districts: A repository of all Local Assemblies in Ghana....681 bytes (28 bachinima) - 03:49, 26 Silimin gɔli June 2024
- nyɛla tiŋ' shɛli din be Saboba District Assembly, Northern Region, Ghana tiŋgbaŋ ni. Ghana Districts: A repository of all Local Assemblies in Ghana....708 bytes (27 bachinima) - 20:17, 24 Silimin gɔli June 2024
- nyɛla tiŋ' shɛli din be Saboba District Assembly, Northern Region, Ghana tiŋgbaŋ ni. Ghana Districts: A repository of all Local Assemblies in Ghana....700 bytes (27 bachinima) - 00:24, 26 Silimin gɔli June 2024
- nyɛla tiŋ' shɛli din be Saboba District Assembly, Northern Region, Ghana tiŋ gbaŋ ni. Ghana Districts: A repository of all Local Assemblies in Ghana....682 bytes (28 bachinima) - 21:58, 25 Silimin gɔli June 2024
Discover data on the topic
district: type of administrative division, in some countries
district of Turkey: administrative division of Turkey
district of Japan: administrative unit in Japan
district of Austria: administrative subdivision of Austria
district of the Czech Republic: administrative division of the Czech Republic
Regierungsbezirk: subdivision of some of the 16 federal states in Germany