Tɛmplet:Wikidata list/doc: Waligimsim din be labiteei balibu ni.

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alias + no column quotes
Kuligu 40:
:* <code>number</code>, a serial row number (per section), increasing from 1, according to the initial sorting
:* <code>label</code>, the wiki-language-based label of the item, linked to the local article (where exists), or the Wikidata item. Labels without values for the wiki-language will show the english label as a fallback
:* <code>label/dexx</code>, the wiki-language-based label of the item, using the given language code (here, "dexx"), as plain text. Labels without values for the requested language will show the english label as a fallback
:* <code>alias/xx</code>, the wiki-language-based list of aliases for the item, using the given language code (here, "xx"), as plain text.
:* <code>description</code>, the manual, or auto-generated description
:* <code>item</code>, the Q item number
Line 47 ⟶ 48:
:* <code>Pxxx/Qyyy/Pzzz</code>, qualifier properties; for Pxxx linking to an item Qyyy and having a Pzzz qualifier, the value of Pzzz. This is a version of the above, specific for a single item; e.g., "p553/q866/p554" to get YouTube account names.
:* <code>?fieldname</code>, a SPARQL result field name (variable).
:A column header is specified by adding ":Header" suffix to the column definition, otherwise the Wikidata property (language) name is used. For quantities (numerical properties) where lower and upper bounds are indicated as ''nominal value'' +/- ''tolerance'' (for example 15 +/- 5), only the nominal value (15) is shown. '''Mandatory'''Case sensitive. Since the release of May 2021 single quotes are not supported (causes the query to fail with a "not edited" message).
;sort:The initial sort key for the table. Valid values are:
:* <code>label</code>, the label of the item