Africa International University

Ʒingama univɛrsiti din be Kenya

Tɛmplet:Infobox university

Africa International University
Di pilli ni1983, 2011 Mali niŋ
Taachi sabbuEducation with Passion and Integrity Mali niŋ
TiŋaKenya Mali niŋ
Din be shɛli polonaNairobi Mali niŋ
Tiŋgbaŋ yaɣili calinli1°18′6″S 36°41′23″E Mali niŋ
Lahabaya dundɔŋ din mali dihitabili Mali niŋ

Africa International University nyɛla Dolodolo univɛrsiti din be Karen, Nairobi, Kenya.[1]

Africa International University nyɛla bɛ ni daa piligi shɛli yuuni 1983 ka daa boli Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (N.E.G.S.T) ka ban daa sɔŋ ka bɛ zali li nyɛ Association of Evangelicals in Africa.[2] Niya shɛli bɛ ni daa ma li ka piligi shikuru ŋɔ nyɛ di wuhiri pastor nima ka tiri ba shɛhira gbana.

Silimiin goli March yuuni 2011, A.I.U nyɛla tiŋgbani zuɣulan zaŋ n-ti Kenya ni daa ti shɛli univɛrsiti charter ka nyɛ din yɛligi di undergraduati bɔhimbu yaɣa din jandi daabiligu, ICT, Development Studies and Counselling Psychology.[3]


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AIU nyɛla din mali pɔi univɛrsiti, undergraduati, post-graduati, Masters n-ti pahi Ph.D bɔhimbu yaɣa.[4] [5][6]

Undergraduate programs

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  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Counselling (yuma anahi bee yuma ayi)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (yuma anahi bee yuma ayi)[7]
  • Bachelor of Theology (Th.B.) (yuma anahi bee yuma ayi zaŋ n-ti Theology Diploma holders)
  • Bachelor of Education

Early Childhood Development

    • Primary education
    • Secondary education
  • Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies (4 years)
    • Sustainable Community Development

Urban Development

  • Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (4 years)
  • Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and Financial Management (yuma anahi )
  • Bachelor of Science in Information Communication Technology (yuma anahi )
  • Management Information System
  • Software Development
  • Computer Network

Masters programs

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Master of Theology (Th.M.) (2 years)

    • Th.M. in Biblical Studies(2 years)
    • Th.M. in Mission Studies(2 years)
    • Th.M. in World Christianity (2 years)

Master of Divinity (M.Div.) (3 years full-time)

    • M.Div. in Biblical Studies
    • M.Div. in Church Education
    • M.Div. in Church History
    • M.Div. General
    • M.Div. in Mission Studies
    • M.Div. in Pastoral Studies
    • M.Div. in Theological Studies
    • M.Div. in Translation Studies

Master of Arts (2 years full-time, 3 years part-time)

  • MA in Biblical Studies
  • MA in Church History
  • MA in Translation Studies
  • MA in Missions
  • General
  • Islamic Emphasis
  • MA in Organizational Leadership
  • MA in Pastoral Studies
  • MA in Theology
  • Master of Education
  • Child Development and Family Studies
  • Church Education
  • Curriculum & Instruction
  • Educational Leadership & Administration

Doctoral programs

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  • Ph.D. in Education (4 years)
  • Curriculum & Instruction
  • Church Education
  • Educational Leadership & Administration
  • Child Development & Family Studies
  • Ph.D. in Translation Studies
  • Ph.D. in InterReligious Studies
  • Ph.D. in Practical Theology (Coming soon)
  • Ph.D. in Theological Studies (4 years)
  • Biblical Studies
  • World Christianity
  • Missions studies
  • Theology & Development
  • Theology & Culture
  • Systematic Theology

Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) (yuma ata )


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Tɛmplet:Kenyan universities